Check out these six-word memoirs posted on the SMITHTeens website: I love the idea of these little memoirs. When youve got only six words to tell your story, youve got to make every one count. Thats my goal, anyway I hope how do i get my free credit report Lubbock someday that really is my life story! June 14, 2009 Filed under Media, Teen POV Navigating high school and making it all the way to graduation is a hard enough task even in the best of circumstances. Thats why I found the story of Candide Uwizeyimana so incredible and inspiring. from Africa as a how do i get my free credit report Lubbock refugee two years ago, she didnt speak a word of English. free cedit report And that wasnt the only hurdle she had to overcome. Candide was a survivor of one of worst genocides in how do i get my free credit report Lubbock recent history, the how do i get my free credit report Lubbock mid-1990s genocide in the central African country of Rwanda. She was only five when she and her family fled the violence on foot in 1993, eventually being permanently separated from her parents and siblings. credit score report At times along her journey, she hoped for death (and came close to it more than once), thinking it must be better than the reality she was living.
She eventually ended up in a refugee camp in south Congo where she was moved into a camp orphanage.
From there, she was fortunate enough to meet a family who took her in as one of their own and sent her to school. By the time she was in high school, her adopted family, trying to give her the best future they could, encouraged her to how do i get my free credit report Lubbock apply for refugee status with the United Nations so she could go to a developed country like the U.S. free credit card reports
And thats how she ended up in Seattle shortly thereafter.
Congratulations to Candide on this incredible accomplishment. To read how do i get my free credit report Lubbock more about Candides how do i get my free credit report Lubbock amazing story, click here.
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